Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall is officially here

Well, The Red River Revel came and went. It did not make a lot of money this year, everone is holding off to see what happens with the economy. We planned to go, but the night we were going, Clyde had to work late. No big deal, I was tired, too. We opted for Olive Garden. ? Are all eating establishments out of their minds. The pile all this food on your plate and then have to pay for carry-out containers... WAIT! It's me that pays for it. I guess the mark-up is so huge, the more they pile up there, the more they make. It's enough to make you want to eat at home.
It is rainning outside, you know, one of those good old pouring Southern rains. A little lightening and thunder. I love listening to it fall from the roof. It's getting cooler each day and now the rain will wash away the pollen and ragweed. Everyone will feel great for a few weeks and then the virus' will start.
Just got home from a Stake YW/YM meeting. We are planning the "Missionary Training Conference", the youth are having in November. Sounds like some excellent speakers and activities. I have to find someone who can sing, and find that "Afterglow song about missionaries and I knew you before and I'll find you...... also I'm assigned to come up with some menu's for dinner that day. We have lots of money in our budget.....sounds like it will be tasty.

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